Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mocha Mallow Mist

In the good ol' days, every Thursday The Evening Sun (of The Baltimore Sun newspapers) printed recipes and articles about cooking. One of the food columnists for The Sun, Virginia Roeder, a 1953 Johns Hopkins University "graduate home economist" compiled a bunch of the most successful recipes and created a mini-cookbook which was then distributed to the newspaper's loyal readers. The book, titled "Fun With Food: A Cook Book Designed Especially for the Busy Maryland Housewife by The Evening Sun" found its way into my hands, and blew me away with its now-retro dishes, drinks, and desserts. 

The first recipe to catch my eye was entitled, Mocha Mallow Mist--I'm a sucker for alliteration. Mocha Mallow Mist, you say? What exactly is a "mist" in culinary terms. I don't think Julia Child covered that one... Let's follow the recipe to find out:

24 marshmallows, cut in quarters
1 cup strong coffee
1 cup heavy cream, whipped

Melt marshmallows in coffee. Cool. Fold whipped cream into coffee mixture. Pour into sherbet glasses and top with chopped pecans or chocolate curls. 

Seems easy enough, so here we go!

The verdict: Yes, yes, yes! This dessert is delicious. It's extremely rich, but very tasty and quite simple. There is something to be said about the "busy Maryland housewife" and her ability to make a delicious dessert in a pinch. Although I am not used to heavy cream and marshmallows as staple ingredients in the kitchen, this will definitely be a repeat recipe. Give it a try!

Happy adventuring!


  1. Mmm, sounds awesome, I am definitely going to try this one, thanks for the idea!!

  2. jaw dropped at the sight of this masterpiece! Looks delicious!!
