Friday, September 11, 2009

Cracker Soup

I awoke this morning ready to dive into the next recipe. Unfortunately, when I passed the gallon of spoiling milk on my counter that will later be used to make the Ball Cheese I spoke of in my first post, I started to feel a bit queezy. Given my slight upset stomach, I thought it the perfect time to prepare Cracker Soup, a dish that I had heard about but never tried. Today I will be using a recipe from the Inglenook Cook Book (1907) that has a specific recipe section for the sick. In addition to Cracker Soup, it seems that Sour Cream Soup, Corn Meal Tea, and Barely Water (for fever) were also prepared for those with ailments. Although I am excited to experiment with Cracker Soup, I am slightly skeptical of the source, which states that Eggnog is also a good treatment for the ill. The book says that Eggnog is “a pleasant and nourishing food for invalids.” We’ll see about that at Christmas time. Now on to the soup! The original recipe is as follows:

Place a dozen crackers in a bowl, grate a little nutmeg over them, add 1 teaspoonful of butter and 1 tablespoonful of granulated sugar. Pour over boiling water enough to cover the crackers; cover and let steam a few minutes. Serve hot.

The verdict: Cracker Soup is not your typical breakfast. Mixing the water with the crackers creates a gloppy, slippery mess. Having said that, the butter, sugar, and nutmeg make it taste pretty good! So if you can get past the texture of the first few bites, the end result is kind of nice!

Happy adventuring!

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