Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chocolate Oddities

In 1892, Reading Terminal Market opened its doors to the city of Philadelphia. Since then, the market has been through many changes but still flourishes today. More than 80 vendors sell their goods at Reading Terminal Market everyday, whether it be free range chicken, local honey, or handmade soap. The market is an exciting, eccentric blend of culinary and artistic delights.

A few weeks ago, while I was walking up and down the aisles of fresh fruit and flowers in the market, I stumbled upon a candy shop selling blog-worthy goods. What first drew me to the candy stand (besides the overwhelming aroma of sugar) was the display of chocolate ears and noses behind glass. Then, as I walked further, I came to "chocolate lab rats." And finally--my personal favorite--chocolate dipped onions. I had to share my findings:

The next time you are in Philadelphia, make a stop at Reading Terminal Market. Not only is it a part of the city's history, the market boasts an array of delicious (and different!) foods and products. If you don't feel comfortable nibbling on a chocolate ear or if you aren't ready to take a chomp out of a chocolate-dipped onion, there are plenty of other mysteries to uncover.

Happy adventuring!

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